Thursday, March 08, 2007


It was reported today that demorats in the state house stifled the “State Spending Reform Act” that would make state department report over budget situations. This is why you never heard about his massive budget issue before the last election, convenient eh?

Yes, I’ve raised concern over this issue before and will likely bring it up again. What does please me is that her tax increases are going over like a “lead balloon” at least on this side of the state. The media has been cordial, but asking the right questions. This AM, Gary Allen with WOOD radio asked Rick Albin, WOOD TV8 political reporter “ do you think these town hall meetings are a waste of time” there was a five second hesitation before Albin gave a half hearted response of its her responsibility.

The bottom line is, the cuts she’s claimed just don’t affect a majority of this states residents, and until people can see a direct result from said cuts, she’s faces a hard if not impossible sell for her tax increases.

What I'm left to consider is “What Would Dick Do?” Because, I know she has a tax and spend mentality and has stated numerous times that’s how she plans to fix this problem.


shoprat said...

Sounds like a dirty trick if that's what she needs to do to get a tax increase.

Steven said...

She's going need alot more than a dirty trick, people ain't buying her shtick.