Sunday, April 15, 2007

Capitalism, pure and simple

Yesterday I finally got off the couch and did something; I’ve had a chest cold this last week and have done nothing but rest. Driving to one of my favorite hiking area’s I was listening to a local talker on Wood radio. Yes, he was all wound up over the Imus firing and like many was looking at this in the wrong light. First off he claimed we’ve empowered Sharpton and Jackson. Wrong, it was the big media MSNBC and SeeBS who fired Imus and empowered the race baiters. This entire issue is over money, and if Imus can bring ratings, money to another broadcaster he’ll be back on the air.

I've posted more over here as C_it1/2full. This guy has it right and takes the race baiters to the mat.

1 comment:

shoprat said...

I don't imagine he'll be unemployed long. He has actually earned more money than either Jackson or Sharpton (though they probably have more they didn't earn it.)