Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wild Turkey

Rolled out of the sack at 0700, the Mrs. was already up, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed east for my folks house. Stopping at my folks mailbox to pickup the Sunday paper, I could see there where a few birds in the drive, a ½ mile dirt lane. I reached over and grabbed my binoculars and quietly open the door and stepped out for a closer look.

Three big tom’s with their tails all spread, vying for the attention of one hen. I watched for a minute and then started down the drive on foot following the edge of the woods looking for morals, went for about a hundred yards and stepped back out to the roads edge and the turkeys were gone. Someday I will add these wary birds to my hunting quarry.

1 comment:

shoprat said...

We see them all the time. Some of them don't even fear humans which means they will be dinner when hunting season rolls around.