Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wild Turkey

Rolled out of the sack at 0700, the Mrs. was already up, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed east for my folks house. Stopping at my folks mailbox to pickup the Sunday paper, I could see there where a few birds in the drive, a ½ mile dirt lane. I reached over and grabbed my binoculars and quietly open the door and stepped out for a closer look.

Three big tom’s with their tails all spread, vying for the attention of one hen. I watched for a minute and then started down the drive on foot following the edge of the woods looking for morals, went for about a hundred yards and stepped back out to the roads edge and the turkeys were gone. Someday I will add these wary birds to my hunting quarry.


Yesterday my son and I went north looking for the elusive moral. We scouted for new spots in state land near white cloud, no luck. We did however stumble across this handsome fellow sunning himself in a clearing.

By the time I had taken the second picture, he or she was mad and was vibrating its tail like a rattler, and as you can see turned to face me down.

What's going on

I’ve tired of writing about politics and current events as is apparent by my lack of posting. Posting from here on out will be about whatever is going on in my head, not to say there won’t be any politics and current events, I’ve just tired of that steady diet.

Ok then; Friday a project I’ve been working on came to fruition. This to date is the biggest project of my career and involves moving business from a company within our conglomerate to an independent local company. This move will save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, perhaps a million on tooling costs. And will generate more sales due to completive tooling costs. This move rolls much more responsibility onto my shoulders and increases my work load, but it was the right move to make for the good of our company. I’ve become quite an unpopular fellow overseas due to this and there are factions that hope to see failure in this project; I will however, proceed with confidence and make this a success not only for my company but for myself.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Get a clue

I laughed when I read this headline. Not because its funny when gang bangers got shot, but the answer is so obvious, I can't believe they would post this as a headline. I know where is neighborhood is at, the corner of crackville and gangland and the fact that two in one family have been shot means; drug deal gone bad, somebody disrespected or fight over turf. These are the problems that Jason Whitlock is talking about in my previous post.

Capitalism, pure and simple

Yesterday I finally got off the couch and did something; I’ve had a chest cold this last week and have done nothing but rest. Driving to one of my favorite hiking area’s I was listening to a local talker on Wood radio. Yes, he was all wound up over the Imus firing and like many was looking at this in the wrong light. First off he claimed we’ve empowered Sharpton and Jackson. Wrong, it was the big media MSNBC and SeeBS who fired Imus and empowered the race baiters. This entire issue is over money, and if Imus can bring ratings, money to another broadcaster he’ll be back on the air.

I've posted more over here as C_it1/2full. This guy has it right and takes the race baiters to the mat.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Leadership or lack there of

Over at the GOP house page is another fine example of the government that the people of southeast Michigan deserve, after all, they voted these people into power. Read about this guy

From the article:
Cushingberry’s attorney, Gerald Evelyn, said his client is innocent. He’s a lifelong public servant who gave the responsibility for campaign statements to a contractor, Evelyn said.
This statement really sums it up quite well, he's a victim who's been doing it all for us. Term limits anyone?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Back to the old grind

Spring break is over, kids are back in school, and Easter weekend was nice, even though the weather was crap. I managed to load about 500 rounds of .40 cal, finished the tongue and groove paneling in the downstairs bathroom, and had a nice dinner at my folks. Already looking forward to the summer holidays.

Friday, April 06, 2007

After reading this over at Lucianne I went over here. I was please to see this type of behavior isn’t going on in my state. Not yet anyhow

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Recall Grandholm

Time to put your money where your mouth is; there will be a rally in Lansing this month, Wednesday the 18th I plan on being there. I will be leaving the Grand Rapids area around 7:00 AM anyone like minded and needing a ride please feel free to contact my though the comments.