Sunday, January 03, 2010

How time flies

My Christmas / New years vacation is on it's last day. Rising at 04:30 tomorrow to see the gym is going to be tough; even more so, that I've not been there for weeks... I've spent the last two weeks do pretty much whatever I felt like doing and to be honest, I'm ready to go back to work. I don't know if its just the specter of knowing I have to go back that won't let me completely relax, I hope retirement is better.

As of yet I don't have any plans for this last day, I should go fishing, but I may opt for something entirely different...

Yesterday I rigged up a towing system for the ice house using cables that I salvaged from the trash at work 5 years ago, see I knew I could use them for something ! I was leaning towards a rigid tow bar system, but I think this will work out better. I've got another week to do a few more odds and end, debating on a paint job. But that would mean getting it back into the shop...

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