Thursday, December 21, 2006

Shot across the bow

We’ve not yet begun the New Year and already Jenny is pleading poverty. Not like I don’t believe her, it’s just that she, in no way brought this up during her campaign last fall. (from the article) As for increasing taxes, the Governor would not commit when pressed repeatedly by reporters. Call me cynical but, I see this as a set up for raising taxes.

I’m not comfortable with the politics in this state. Jenny’s only concern seems to be what lies east of Lansing. This may sound petty, but I feel the south east side of state is like an albatross around our necks. We can’t get Honda, Toyota or most any manufacturer to build up here because of the taxes and corrupt unions, and the governor is beholden to them.

I find it odd how the governors office has been responsible for the budget for the last four years and wasn’t aware of its condition. Maybe instead of spending all that cash on Cool Cities and the MEDC she should have be balancing the budget.

I wrote something about MEDC awhile back. I've pulled this from my old 360 blog. After reading it I think my suspicions were founded, I haven’t heard a single radio spot since the election

Over the last couple of months I’ve been hear advertising spots on a local radio station, these ads are being paid for by me. The MEDC has been running ads touting how great it is to start and run a business in Michigan, but why run them on local stations? Would it not make better sense to run them in a competing state, it seems like their preaching to the choir. Yes, I know there are business people from out of state that travel through and may hear these ads, but still I wonder. Michigan’s economy is in bad shape, manufacturing jobs are leaving and unemployment is at 6.3% 48 highest in the nation and we have what I believe is going to be a close race for governor this November. Could these ads be a type of campaign ad, to make it seem as if things are better than are?

I have sent an email to the MEDC requesting information about their advertising, about their target demographic. I hope to gain some insight into their goals and prove my suspicions wrong; otherwise I won’t be a happy camper.

There is plenty of information of the web about Jenny's connection and questionable contacts, start with Mark Petrosky +MEDC .


shoprat said...

East of Lansing?

Michigan's problems can be summed up with 3 words:

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw.

All 3 are economic and legal basket cases controlled by a coalition of leftists and organized crime. They are economic sink holes, have been for many years, and are dragging the whole state down with them.

Steven said...

Shop, you've summed it up completely in one paragraph. Thanks for stopping by.