Monday, January 01, 2007

Hot Link Fun

Its Bush’s fault, yes I’m jumping on the bandwagon. If he would have only listened to Algore and signed the Kyoto treaty I would have been ice fishing this weekend. Now we have sky is falling global warming and now I have to drive 400 miles to find good ice only making the situation worst. This brings me to a question of ethics; should I burn all that fossil fuel and release green house gases into the atmosphere making the hole in the ozone bigger and take a chance of harming next years ice fishing? Or take up varmint hunting and kill off the local coyotes, foxes, and coons.? By choosing the later, I may incur the wrath of the local PETA chapter, I could never be so lucky, while selling the hides of these creatures for monetary gain.

That darn Bush. It’s all because of him, I’m stuck making this tough decision. Then again I could just take the easy way out and do both. In reality, my dilemma in this is that I'm lacking a decent varmint rifle. Michigan law, requires all hunting after dark to be done with a rim fire cartridge. This brings me to selling a pistol or coming up with sum of money of which I am short of at this time of year. I’ve started my research and hope to have a solid idea by the 20th when the gun show is in town. I hope by then we either have ice for fishing or snow for hunting.

1 comment:

shoprat said...

I think I will thank him for my lower heating bill.